Past Q & A with Master Teacher Davara

Dear Davara,

Why does the spiritual path have to be so difficult?

New Seeker

Dear New Seeker,

Spirituality is the prime goal for all egos; however, it does not come easily. The path is strewn with many obstacles and must be overcome through sacrifice, sweat and tears. Until the understanding “of what not to do again and why” becomes fixed within the soul consciousness, these same obstacles will be in the way of the young aspirant, each time stronger and more difficult, until the seeker finally gets it! It truly is a rough journey and very few make it at one time. However, when the ego does make it, another light shines brightly on humanity.

Blessings in Violet, Davara


Dear Davara,

I have a problem with anger. Must I get my anger under control?


Dear Michelle, 

Anger is a virtue when it is used constructively. Yes, we do need this high steamed energy in order to defuse a discordant part of the symphony we are writing by molding our attitudes along the way. When anger is used violently (barbarically) or negatively (vicious comments, etc.), it upsets the entire theme of our orchestration. Harmony only comes thru conflict. Chaos brings us closer to realization. One step at a time.

Blessings in Violet, Davara




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