A Realistic Approach To New Age Philosophy is the most recent book written by Master Teacher Davara. It deals with the many facets of metaphysics and new age information. This book is available on http://www.ourcityoflights.org/ in its entirety.
This is an excerpt from Master Teacher Davara’s book; A Realistic Approach To New Age Philosophy with Unit #83- Part 2 of Events, Festivities and Holidays in the New Age.
Part Two – Emotions and Activity
“Since life is activity, and activity is what life is all about (Taurus), all interactions must always bring about some type of mental and emotional stimulation. Whether that stimulation is pleasurable or traumatic matters little, for life, in itself, thrives upon the activity of a moment. Within each moment is the stimulus needed in order that each ego learn how to assess what it must understand about interaction with its brethren (Gemini). If there were no action, there would only be the stillness of death and since we know that there is no such thing as death, we know that this is highly improbable. Therefore, we can safely assume that life is motion, and in the motion is the activity of a happening.
Compare the ego to the Sun, with all of life’s activities revolving around its center as do the planets. The gravitational pull from the center of that ego’s nature will automatically attract what it needs to learn in order to understand. Different activities will always register various types of emotions, for these are the intricacies of life. Even the climatic changes are interchangeable. Moods respond to the various weather conditions, which are also part of life. Physical stimulus is necessary in order that each idea or theory is tested with the type of sensation that energy puts into effect. Even Nature, Herself, revolves around the center of the Creative Force’s gravity, and so must each ego, who is the replica of that Creative Force.
Without feelings and emotions, there would be no purpose to life. Life is also to be considered the Father God Energy (Leo), for “He Is” the “Life Force!” Mother God is the giver of sensation, She lives in that Life Force and Is the manifested Expression (Cancer). When Her outlets are triggered through the electrical current (Virgo) needed in order that the stimuli necessary for the emotions take place, the heart centers swing into action. If one could not feel, then one could never understand the tapestry in creation. If one has not learned to understand how the emotions are used, then what has been accomplished, and what is the purpose?
In the New Age, the emotions will be more in line with understanding the nature of “life” as the manifested Godself incarnate (Scorpio). Goals need an emotional outlet, for this is what stimulates the feeling nature into exploring and experiencing whatever is necessary (Capricorn). Since the dark ages will soon be behind all of you and your guilts, phobias, and fears worked out of your system, a proper realization as to the importance of what the emotion consists will be your triumphant tomorrow. We have deliberately stressed the importance of the emotional body, due to the misquoted facts which the previous generations claimed to be the way to Deity. These statements (denying the personality any means of expression) were ludicrous in their origin, for the expression was never really to be denied its outlet. The activities in the New Age will prove this point beyond any doubt.
The manifestation of the sixth root race humanity incarnating into a higher frequency suggests that there will be more responsibility placed upon the shoulders of each ego. As humanity proceeds to evolve at a faster pace (comparing it to third dimensional evolution), that responsibility becomes even greater. As each ego learns to understand his role in the scheme of creation, the power in his own creativity increases accordingly (Aquarius). This allows him to utilize his own unique life force in determining how he will build, shape and mold the destiny of the human race (Aries). Each atom must learn how to work together, co-creating the future and taking upon themselves, individually, the responsibility of how the life force (which thrives in the emotional body and is now to be called the feeling nature) forms the visual perceptions of what all living and breathing energies thrive upon. Eventually, as the ego spirals upwards and broadens its horizons through an increased awareness, it will cease to react to anything or anyone that projects a different point of view. Herein is how the society of your tomorrows will take its shape and become the community where you shall live.