Know Thyself by Master Teacher David
Emotional habits so spontaneously displayed, are the mirrored reflection expressed through the personality as it reacts to life incarnate. This gives each entity more insight, affording him a personal view of his attitudes.
“Know Thyself”
Please try to understand that emotions do display the personality’s attitudes in every phase of corporeal life. Each one alike has the opportunity to ease the strain, limit the suffering and negate the sorrow, if only more attention was given to the way in which we react to life incarnate. The emotional body is energy plus/energy minus, and without it we could not survive. Energy plus is action; energy minus is reaction. How do you use this energy, oh students, upon the way of life? The way in which each one uses the plus and the minus of this vital force filed will afford him a great deal of awareness unto himself.
Emotional experiences are the release of pent-up anxieties concerning certain feelings which need to be expressed. Do you explode and vomit over other people whenever you have an emotional reaction? Or perhaps you are not quite so aggressive and do not scream, or carry on in such a demonstrative fashion. This does not, oh brother, exclude you, for in all reality thoughts have the same effect and can gather enough steam to generate an entire fleet of submarines. The vibrations coming forth will still be felt by those who are perceptive, and the anger or resentment is not unnoticed. While energy is used in a minus fashion, there will be negative currents which add to the gestalt via the fuel continuously given to this force field. Humanity expresses mostly through an energy minus (negative), and many times is deluded, thinking they have an energy plus (positive) approach to life, while still emoting with undercurrents, contemptuous in its attitude. I am sure that each one of you have witnessed a positive (so-called) expression while repulsed with the arrogance displayed. This, oh friend, is still an energy minus, for it is not the proper force field and still feeds the fuel, while fanning the fire. In order to use the emotional body in an energy plus/energy minus equaled balance, each one must learn the proper way to heal the mind of diseased thoughts.
We speak of Earth as the school best suited at this time to teach lessons anent the many facets of love, the multiplicity of purpose, and the vastness in all directions. These three major subjects will impel the concrete mind to expand through the opening of doors which will enable each student to unfold, and develop without narrowed biased opinions stinting his view. Due to the procrastination long practiced, and well established, the majority of our brethren do not take the time to do the homework required, in order to receive better grades. Homework is essential and we suggest that each one reflect and ponder upon how he displays his attitudinal behavior complexities as he walks his path.
While exploring a theoretical hypothesis, heated discussions take place. In this common practice we hear the comment, “But I am not arguing … I am discussing.” We are smiling in amusement, because you are not discussing – you are arguing. When you discuss theories, there is none of the harmony that should be present, because the majority of you take that which is being said so very personally. It starts off slowly but the steam generated through each emotional vent rises, and lo and behold, an argument appears. The trick in this type of discussion is who can shout the loudest, or who has a better play-on-words. It would appear to be a life or death drama as the struggle to win increases the negativity (energy minus) so profusely sounded. Ah yes, the emotions do lead one a merry, merry chase, do they not?
Each student must realize what type of activity is coming forth from his emotions. He must learn exactly what his feelings are expressing. In this manner he has an opportunity to balance his vital force field, energy plus/energy minus (Positive/Negative), through the understanding of his emotions. Disease of the mind is self inflicted and when we say spend a great deal of time on that which you reacted to, or that which caused inharmony, we do not mean that you should project within yourself a feeling of self-pity. This is not considered homework. Homework is a serious study of all attitudes which comprise the personality, who expresses through some type of emotion. The time is short and we urge each and everyone to get busy on himself.
Peace be with you my friend.
Too Much Patience Can be An Obstinate Refusal To Face Reality by Master Teacher David
Many times excuses are made so that lessons are avoided, and a common phrase used is, “We must be patient, for is it not written that all things work out for the best?” The possibility that perhaps this particular situation may need some action never enters our mind, and because of our lethargic attitude, anger and resentment becomes the mode of expression. Very seldom does the practice of down to earth appraisal, reviewing our peculiar set of circumstances, become intelligent reasoning. Perhaps, it is due to the insecurity which prompts us to hang onto security, no matter what the cost. It might also help if we remembered how well versed we are in the art of procrastination, and we are not really being patient, but just too afraid to act. Let it be said that too much patience can indeed cause serious retardation, due to the lack of initiative in solving whatever it is that is causing disharmony.
Let us talk about the virtue of patience and exactly how it is used. The virtue of patience is practiced discipline which controls impulsiveness from flourishing. In this statement we note that patience is a tool to be used when one is desirous of attaining a specified position. Patience, when coupled with courage and determination, helps to strengthen the character by molding the personality with greater amounts of perseverance. When something is wanted badly enough, one will work very hard to achieve that goal. This is the way of evolution and naught is given to idle hands.
Most times, we choose to endure more than is necessary due to a shortage of intelligent reasoning. So many of our brethren ask, “Why is it that we are such gluttons for punishment?” The answer is simple: We do not wish to make any decisions which demand that we stand on our own two feet. It appears to be much easier to fall back on some religious text by proclaiming loud and clear that Jesus will do all the work for us. After all, did he not “die for our sins?” Needless to say, this was never the case and the churches have used this phrase in order to keep humanity bound to their format. There have been many violations of Cosmic Law, and this particular statement is one of the greatest offenders. When common sense is used, we eventually learn to understand that no one learns anything if someone else does all the work. The present Hierarchy has sent down the word that all of humanity must learn to think for themselves by taking on the responsibility of whatever position they choose to endure. If on chooses to suffer and behave like a martyr, then it is strictly his choice, and no one need become involved with the trend of circumstances he attracts.
The Master has become tired and weary with those children who will not take the necessary action in order to change the type of torment which is causing them such anguish. He has been impressing upon the minds of all channels who are receptive to his vibration – the need to inform the media that changes must be made in the way emotions are displayed. Through some vague feeling of obligation, thinking habits have been geared towards unfeasible practices, which does not help the race tend to their own harvest. More and more people are being pulled into the despair of individual karma and many unforeseen situations have developed. When the mind of reason is used, it will be apparent that the entire human family is busily engaged in other people’s affairs, and as a result, have no time to mend their own garment.
Attitudes and situations, which are in discord with a higher format, have to be resolved, and not just suppressed via escapism which the word patience suggests. We do not have much time left to accomplish what should have been worked on in the past 2000 years, because the theme from the past is still influencing our people to follow blindly, and of course to have patience in accepting God’s Will. Through this type of inference, the children of the race have not resolved their weaknesses, but have indeed allowed dogmatic teachings to cripple any advanced state of awareness. Religion cannot become a more intelligent philosophy, until all hypocrisy is stamped out of its doctrine. The only way this can be achieved is through the mind of reason, and the greatest weapon that the human family has been endowed with is intelligence. The anti-Christ forces cannot control the thinking mind when it has sufficiently progressed in the areas of cosmic law and how it is to be applied. Those who are prepared to take on the responsibility of this statement will be given the opportunity to be the demonstrators for the new age.
The virtue of patient endurance is a blessing; however, some forms of patience often reveal a very obstinate nature, such as refusing to conform, to yield, and to bend with the new change-over which took its proper effect in 1956. We will now endeavor to answer some of the questions asked by many of our students.
1. What is patience, and its true meaning?
Answer: The virtue of patience is to know when to act and when to withdraw. Its greatest Power: TIMING.
2. When does patience have its proper effect on the cause?
Answer: When the cause is known anent careful study of the effects. Its greatest Contribution: BALANCE.
3. When can one determine the course of action which must be pursued?
Answer: When the emotional body is not interfering with the mind of reason. Its greatest Purpose: CONSTRUCTIVE ACTION.
Another antidote to be considered is to never, never follow anything or anyone blindly. Blindness is a fool’s tool and only those who do not wish to see follow in an undiscerning manner. Please remember, that when one accepts the responsibility of his own narrow vision, which usually encompasses many forms of prejudiced thinking, a great awakening takes place. In this awakening the personality is shown through the Light of its Soul how he has avoided the task at hand, eliminating the responsibility he owes to himself as well as to his brethren. He is shown that it is unnatural to stay in a child’s frame of mind and many immature concepts must be dislodged in order that they advance in a progressive natural way. Is it too unreasonable to admit that all children have to learn how to reason and think for themselves? Think upon the new babe who must crawl until he learns how to walk. As a babe, he cannot reason for himself, and needs the guidance of his parents to prepare him for the future. When the child begins to test his independence he should be allowed to explore and experience via his thinking mind. This is the natural way of evolution; however, it appears that our human family refuse to grow into responsible universal citizens because they still insist in using old teachings to guide them.
It is time to wake up to the fact that we are no longer little children; and each one of us is responsible for the polluted conditions which contaminate the world. The planet Earth must evolve as did all the other planets, and more Light from each cell must express the Will To Good, SELFLESSLY. Reason must be used by way of intelligent activity, which forwards the race on to greater productivity. Reason is mind power and this is the miracle of GOD in each living cell. The mind can perform wonders, for this is the goal of man, to create the Good in All Things.
The achievement of Peace on Earth can only take place when each Self begins to attach importance in the way he chooses to express. It is his responsibility and only through self-realization and not self-indulgence can this plan become effective. Sitting and waiting for something to happen, using the word patience in substitution for effort is not going to work. This is a fool’s way of thinking and naught is gained with this attitude. I say to each one, “Be alerted for, THE DAYS OF PROPHESY ARE UPON US.”
Let Us Talk About The God We Pretend To Worship
A Talk From Master Teacher David
Let us talk about the understanding heart that must work with the conscious mind of reason. Understanding cannot come through a distorted, self-centered impression of righteous indignation. Humanity is still caught in the glamour of self
In this process of discovery is a very important message:
Your attitudes betray the very words that you speak, because only through yourselves can the demonstration of Christ be seen. Since you are all gods in the making, what is it that you display? You cannot worship any other God but the God within you, and this is what Moses meant when he said,
The new age philosophy states that God is within you, that He expresses through your personality because your personality is His creation. Therefore, that which you demonstrate is that God which you secretly admire, for in the darkness of your closet, where there is silence, you think about yourself in a very aggrandized manner.
If you really believed in and loved the God you say you worship, then you would have changed your attitude a long time ago. You still give in to anger. You still give in to righteous indignation, judging and condemning others. The Father gave each one the authority to say what is right and what is wrong! He gave you this authority in order to evaluate whether you wished to pursue freely any subject. Whenever you proclaim outwardly that “this is right” or “this is wrong,” you are ascertaining within yourself the power to choose, and you have every right to do so; however, you must take upon yourself the responsibility for the decisions you make. You are royal, and you are majestic; the force fields within you are the power of your thoughts. Tell me, beloveds, how do you use it? Is that not your expression, coming forth for all to see? Think heavily upon what we are saying, and then you will know that you see glimpses of your God every single day, at all times of the day, for this is the God you aspire to be. Yes, mankind says many other things, excusing and justifying that which comes forth from the personal self. However, if one really wants to know his God, if one really wants to seriously learn about his God, then we say simply, “Know Thyself,” for within the self will you see exactly what it is you worship. You will see your desires; you will also see your hopes and your virtues; you will see all these things, and yea more, for this is the expression, working its way through the natural law of evolution. Through these growing pains, which are very difficult, each one will find himself, and through self he will find God where He has always been – inside. Blessed are they who know this and reveal it.
If you truly aspire to be more realistic in the demonstration, then transmute those attitudes which continuously usurp the Will to Good. Each one has a great opportunity at this time to transcend emotions that are unrestrained and childishly prejudiced. It is up to you. The vibrations are here to help you, but only you can help yourself.